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  • Money

    Should you tell your kids how much you make?

    Often, when children ask blunt questions about wanting toys, seeing bigger homes, or being rich or poor, they’re dismissed as being “impolite” or told it’s “none of their business” instead of getting a truthful answer. This sets a lesson that money is a topic to be avoided or that it’s rude to seek out financial information that they’re curious about. One of the biggest financial lessons we can teach our children is how to budget responsibly and realistically. By the time a child is in their early teens, they should be more than capable of doing the basic math involved with household budgeting.

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  • money lessons for kids

    How to teach your kids about money

    As someone who is experiencing the joys of sharing a living space with a toddler (and sharing my physical body with another tiny, growing human), I know first hand the exhaustion that we experience as parents. Of course, there’s the adventures, fun, cute memories and things they say, but at this stage in life, being routinely tired is a part of every day.

    This exhaustion can make it easy to think that there are lessons we can skip over, push to a later date, or trust that our children will simply “pick up” on their own without our guidance. The topic this most often occurs with? Money.

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  • financial checklist in your 40s

    Financials Moves Gen-Xers Should Be Making Now

    Hey, Gen-Xer. Feel like no one’s paying attention to you?

    If you think it’s all about Baby Boomers and Millennials, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2014, Gen-Xers are indeed the neglected middle child.

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